Human Life and existence on earth has become more convenient and sophisticated in this era of technology and modernization:
- We have started using artificial intelligence for even simple everyday household routines.
- Medical science has evolved so much with the help of human intelligence, is expected to create the vital organs of our body "ex vivo" (meaning outside a living organism)aiming to replace the worn-out organs for extending life& existence.
- Development of stem cell research and nano science has helped us to develop drugs & therapeutics capable of exhibiting curative actions at targeted tissues with 100% assured results.
- Advancement in designing medical diagnostics and imaging technologies such as 3Dprinting is making every challenging task which was impossible 10-20 years back, is possible now.
- The evolution of information technology has led to the development of e-commerce and telemarketing which helps people to get their medicines very easily at their doorsteps.
- Developments in IT sector has revolutionized healthcare system into a highly sophisticated way of medical consultancy. The concept of “Tele-medicine “enables the physicians & patients to have on-line interaction through web connectivity and get instant medical advice from medical experts located in different geographical locations. This technological advancement helps to speed up the treatment process and allows to get the precious time to save
All these developments are ultimately reflecting the limitless capacity of our human brain to think, innovate and create solutions for existence& extension of the species in the planet earth forever.
Yet, maintaining a healthy life is still a challenge for many in this world of sophistication and advanced technologies. Every now and then, we see the threatening projections of global statistics on disease burden in different categories (communicable and non-communicable). This reminds us the following unarguable facts of life:
- "Mother nature is always superior to any of its own creations, including humans".
- The fundamental issue associated with most of the human problems are linked with man’s broken relationship with nature.
- Over a period of time we constantly ignored respecting mother nature and its healthy resources, be it a fossil fuel or forests or importance of organic farming or remedies of natural origin for our ailments.
- We had exploited nature in an uncontrolled manner over the years which resulted in a number of challenges that mankind face in the current world in different forms, including diseases and health problems.
- We had started synthesizing chemical compounds for fighting ailments, ignoring the traditional ways of dependence on natural remedies.
- Most of the synthetic compounds are targeted towards the symptoms of the disease instead of tackling the root cause of the problem.
- The pharmaceutical world is now so dynamic and complex that it is very difficult for a common man to understand what he consumesas medicine for recovering from an ailment.
- Sometimes, even modern-day physicians lackthe complete understanding of the mechanism of action of a drug which they prescribe.
- Ironically, in today’s medical world which prescribes a generic medicine for all with similar symptoms, also believes in the role of genetics and need for individualized medicine (Pharmacogenetics).
- Humans now lack a conscious health awareness to the extend which the ancient man was aware by sincerely depending on nature for his every need.
Traditionally, the human diseases were treated using natural sources of remedies, for 1000s of years, and they lived more than 100 years easily. Herbs and plants were the first choice of treating people with abnormal health. No diagnostics or technologies were required in those prehistoric years, yet they were happy to lead a healthy life alongside nature. Now, advanced diagnostic tools and complicated investigation procedures for identifying a disease has created a huge gap between patients and physicians, passively removing the most valuable patient-doctor conversation. Modern diagnostics with exaggerated accuracies have been known to scare people rather than giving them hope and confidence. Every day we see a number of diagnostic errors costing valuable human life apparently due to wrong treatments even in a sophisticated multispecialty health care facility.
There are number of questions ahead of us regarding the way forward to lead a healthy life!
- How trustworthy is the modern sophisticated healthcare system which is promising a lot but delivering too little?
- How far we go ignoring our own original traditional ways of keeping our lives healthy and happy?
- Do we still have hope& trust in nature and belief in the concept of “Coexistence with nature”? .
- Do we remember the simple fact that we are just part of nature and expected to share this globe with other species of plants and animals?
- Are we doing justice to the future generations by changing everything around us in the name of modernization?
What was old can be New Now !
A need for new global standards of living "GLP"?
The human race needs a redemption and resurgence of their views about the ways to maintain good health. We need to think renewed and adapt to a “GLP” of a unique kind “Good Lifestyle Practices” for leading a healthy and happy life. Humans also have the moral responsibility to guide the future generations, into the right path for leading a healthy life.
We at Oriens Global constantly endeavor to serve and guide people with solutions developed from the treasures of nature in an attempt to revive their quality of life. We also do have a mission to inculcate a cultural change back to the ways of traditional healthy life style among our people. For achieving this noble task, we will be discussing periodically, our thoughts and views about various health challenges faced by mankind across the globe. In this blog, our team of expertise will provide health guidance, awareness info and our “GLP” forth eventual resurgence of a healthy human society!